Pastor Tony preaching the Word

Lord’s Day Worship Service

Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!

1 Chronicles 16:8-10, ESV

It is a joyous occasion to gather together with other believers and worship the LORD, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. When Christians come together on Sunday morning, heaven comes down and meets us on Earth.

If you are a guest and this will be your first time visiting with us, please remember to sign the guest book in the back of the sanctuary. We would also like to follow up with you after the service or later in the week. Please fill out this brief form so we may get to know you better.

The service has many interactive elements. Please keep the bulletin nearby and note which elements involve standing and call-and-responses.

The offering plate will be passed for our members and regular attenders but if you are a visitor, please do not feel any pressure to open your wallet. Instead, open your heart to God and the work He is doing in your heart and mind.

What is the Order of Worship Like?

We have an article prepared that discusses Our Liturgy in greater detail.

Do you celebrate Communion? How often?

We celebrate communion every Lord’s Day, unless a Teaching Elder is not present.

We use wine as the element commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ. Grape juice is provided in the outer ring for those who conscientiously abstain from wine. Because there are many families in our church who have dietary or allergy issues with gluten, all bread served is gluten-free.

What Bible translation do you use?

Both the Ruling Elder worship leader and the Teaching Elder will use the English Standard Version unless otherwise noted. Visitors are encouraged to use the translation they bring with them. If you do not have a Bible of your own and would like one, please see an elder upon your arrival.

There are many members in our congregation who also use the King James Version for reference, as well as original languages in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.