Our current series-- "I Believe: Christ"

He Ascended Into Heaven: That You May Be Certain

Do you have trouble believing that you have value, as a fallen person in this fallen world? Do you even have trouble believing that God could ever continue to love someone like you, who fails over and over again? Believe me, God has dealt with all your sins and failures. His accomplished work is proof of what he has said: “It is finished.” Believe this, brothers and sisters.

We look today at the ascension of Christ. This aspect of Christ’s work is often overlooked in lieu of the death and resurrection. Let’s spend some time studying this essential aspect of his mission.

How does Christ’s ascension give us assurance? How does this square with his statement that He “will be with [us] always?” Listen with us as Tony answers these and other questions that come up when looking at the ascension.

As a bonus, Tony spends some time studying the structuring of the New Testament.