Our Hope in Him! January 10, 2021 Rev. Tony Garbarino Hope, Life Issues 2 Corinthians Peace Through Union with Christ December 27, 2020 Rev. Tony Garbarino John Life in Light of our Union with Christ December 13, 2020 Mr. Ross Harris Colossians Christ’s Glory in Cataclysm and Consummation December 6, 2020 Rev. Tony Garbarino Zechariah The Enthronement of the Temple-Building Priest October 4, 2020 Rev. Tony Garbarino Zechariah The Cleansing of Christ September 27, 2020 Rev. Tony Garbarino Zechariah Freed to Walk in Newness of Life September 13, 2020 Rev. Tony Garbarino Zechariah A Light Shining in the Darkness September 6, 2020 Rev. Tony Garbarino Zechariah Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand August 30, 2020 Rev. Andrew Compton Matthew The Satisfaction of the Lord’s Righteousness August 23, 2020 Rev. Tony Garbarino Zechariah