Thank You, Heavenly Father, that You are holy and that You purge out from us all that is unholy and unclean, and that You are gracious and able to deal with us in our sin. And we thank You that You are merciful and able to lift us up in our weakness and in our…
Right, our New Testament reading this morning will be our sermon text, James chapter five. James chapter five, verses 13 to 20. I’d like to follow along, please turn there at this time. Please give your full attention, this is the word of God. Apostle James says, is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.…
Continuing in the book of James This time at chapter 5 James 5 we’re reading verses 7 to 12 this morning Before we hear from the Lord Let’s go to him once more in prayer and ask his blessing upon the reading the preaching and the hearing of that word. Let’s pray Our Heavenly Father…
Come now, you rich. Weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you, and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days. Behold,…
Take your copy of the scriptures and turn with me if you would to look at James as we continue in James chapter four. James chapter four. And we’ll be finishing that chapter, we’ll be reading verses 13 to 17. James four, verse 13. So before we go to the Lord and hear from him,…
We began looking at this passage last week, and James, we saw there, he lays out the strife or the sickness that’s going on there among the people in the church to whom he is writing. There is this strife that results, this result of worldly thinking, of unbiblical, unchristian posture and attitude of heart…
And turn to James, we return to James this morning. This morning, James chapter four, reading the first 12 verses, James chapter four, verses one to 12. Before we go to the Lord, hear from him, let’s ask his blessing once more upon the preaching of his word. Let’s pray together. Dear Lord, our Heavenly…
The Sherman text, Hebrews chapter 12, I’m sorry, verse 18, Hebrews 12, 18 to 29. Hebrews 12, 18 to 29. Please give your full attention, this is the word of our God. for you have not come to what may be touched, a blazing fire, darkness and gloom and a tempest, and the sound of…
Keep your Bible handy there, turn to Matthew chapter two, second half, we’ll deal with this morning. Matthew chapter two, but before we go to the Lord, let’s pray to him once more and ask his blessing upon the reading, the preaching and the hearing of that word, let’s pray. Dear Lord, our Heavenly Father,…
Matthew chapter two, we’ll be reading again the first 12 verses, focusing on verses really three to 12 this morning. Before we go to the Lord, hear from the Lord, let’s ask his blessing once more upon the reading, preaching, and hearing of that word. Let’s pray once more. O gracious, almighty God, again we…