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Final City, Chosen King

Remember, O LORD, in David’s favor,
all the hardships he endured,
how he swore to the LORD
and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob,
“I will not enter my house
or get into my bed,
I will not give sleep to my eyes
or slumber to my eyelids,
until I find a place for the LORD,
a dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.”

Behold, we heard of it in Ephrathah;
we found it in the fields of Jaar.
“Let us go to his dwelling place;
let us worship at his footstool!”

Arise, O LORD, and go to your resting place,
you and the ark of your might.
Let your priests be clothed with righteousness,
and let your saints shout for joy.
For the sake of your servant David,
do not turn away the face of your anointed one.

The LORD swore to David a sure oath
from which he will not turn back:
“One of the sons of your body
I will set on your throne.
If your sons keep my covenant
and my testimonies that I shall teach them,
their sons also forever
shall sit on your throne.”

For the LORD has chosen Zion;
he has desired it for his dwelling place:
“This is my resting place forever;
here I will dwell, for I have desired it.
I will abundantly bless her provisions;
I will satisfy her poor with bread.
Her priests I will clothe with salvation,
and her saints will shout for joy.
There I will make a horn to sprout for David;
I have prepared a lamp for my anointed.
His enemies I will clothe with shame,
but on him his crown will shine.”

Psalm 132:1-18, ESV

1. David’s Faithfulness to the LORD (1-10)

2. The LORD’s Faithfulness to His People (11-12)

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Remember Oh Lord, and David’s favor all the hardships he endured. How he swore to the Lord and vow to the Mighty One Jacob will not enter my house or get into or get into my bed. I will not be able to sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids until I find a place for the Lord and dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob. Behold, we heard of it. In a frat, though we found it in the fields of jar. Let us go to his dwelling place. Let us worship at his footstool. Arise, oh Lord and go to your resting place you in the ark of your mind with the priests be clothed with righteousness and let your saints shout for joy. the sake of Your servant David Do not turn away the face. Your Anointed One Lord swore today but assure oath Once you will not turn back one of your sons, one of the sons of your body it will set on your throne. If your son keeps my commandments, my testimonies, but I shall teach them their sons also. Forever she’ll sit on your throne. For the Lord has chosen Zion he has desired it for his dwelling place. This is my resting place forever. Here I will dwell for I have desired it. I will abundantly blessed her provisions will satisfy her poor with bread. Her preset will close with salvation, and her saints will shout for joy. there we’ll make a horn to sprout from David. I prepared a lamb for my anointed his enemies, I will close with shame. But on him, his crown will shine. So for the reading of God’s word, may he indeed add his blessing to it Well as I said we continue in the pilgrims songbook. The song of a sense the songbook within the Psalms for the pilgrims of God on their ascent on their way to Jerusalem. Psalms 120 through 120 34 120 to 130 for these 15 songs, was selected several throughout were 132. This morning. Again, remember this group of songs we used as God’s people made that journey to Jerusalem for each of those three annual fees right that they were required or mandated that the male’s attend these fees at Jerusalem Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles. So they would go sometimes in large groups and caravans with families and friends would gather together and go up to Jerusalem and they would sing as they went. would sing these songs. And these were times of excitement and times of joy coming together as God’s people. And as they got closer to Mount Zion, there was anticipation remember in praising, and they would sing these songs as they went up, send it to the City of God. We’re also our song this morning. So 132 is the longest of these songs of ascent. It’s the longest usually they’re rather short. But this one is long. And it’s unique as well, because it is a prayer for the king of Israel. Right most of the songs of ascent, were what you recall, they were used, they were saying as they would approach the City of God. And they were full phrasing, joy. And then we saw last week and Psalm 130. We saw that there that is a psalm of repentance, one of those penitential songs. The Pilgrims would be thinking they would begin thinking as they went and seeing the temple. That is the holy place, right. It’s the holy place. It’s a picture of God’s holiness. It was a place where the people would confess their sins. And when they were, they would receive atonements. But we come to Psalm 132. And it is a prayer for the king. It’s a prayer for the king. Remember, Jerusalem was the city of David Wright, though he’s born in Bethlehem, the city of David even as Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but he lived in Jerusalem as king, king David, Jerusalem was the capital was the home to Mount Zion was the home of the temple. And it was also where the king lived. And so the pilgrims would go and they’re ascending to Jerusalem, and they would lift up their song as a prayer for the king. The date of this song was probably around the time of Solomon. Solomon’s reign right with the Israelites prayed when they sang this song originally was likely to King Solomon, but certainly after Solomon, the pilgrims But also, as they journey to Jerusalem, they would pray for that King, whomever that might be as they went for these feasts. And we know how things in the history of Israel, the history of God’s people, we know how they deteriorated and the kingdom splits into two, felt they both fall apart and ultimately both are exiles right there exile from the land. Well, nevertheless, we need we The song was used for centuries after Solomon and indeed, it’s still used by the people of God. Today, even as we are here as God’s people, and we are examining this Psalm, Psalm 132. It’s different for us though, right? It’s different for us. We don’t go up. We don’t go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem three times a year for those feasts. Why is that? It’s because all those fees have been fulfilled. In Jesus Christ. They’ve been fulfilled in Christ. Don’t ascend to a physical location to an earthly, physical, temporal location. And that’s because the New Jerusalem is stretches out. It’s spread across the whole of the earth. God’s people are everywhere. But we are making our trip to New Jerusalem, the heavenly Jerusalem, and that will be ultimately wrapped up completed, concluded consummated at the return of Christ. For you and I, people of God we are gearing up to that final and full Promised Land promised what everything pointed to. And by the way, God has also promised to keep us until that day, and he’s promised to keep us as well as our inheritance. And if you, dear friend belong to Jesus, if you trusted and infer all of your life for this life and the next, he will infallibly keep you For that promised land that is kept for you. At first Peter one tells us that his guard is kept for you. If you do not yet belong to Jesus, you have not received his forgiveness and blessing and mercy in life. I plead with you to do so even now, even now, he will in no way cast you out. And as his word works on you, and it works in you flee to him for mercy and forgiveness and tasted the refreshing waters of salvation. That is his promise to you. So we look at Psalm 132. And we look at the structure of it and the flow and it has the form of an intercession, a prayer, as we said, for the king. But at its core, it is giving praise for God’s faithfulness. I will look at that in a moment. It’s giving praise for the faithfulness of the Lord for His covenant faithfulness in accomplishing the oath that he swore to David As we have come again, now to this second week back, praise God. We’re delighted to be here and able to worship corporately. So as people, we delight to give Him praise. We come again to church with maybe in a heightened sense of anticipation, enjoy, and the blessing for what worship is. We come again and we remember in all that we do in the coming of the Savior to link to the world, in his suffering and his death on the cross, and in His resurrection. We must always remember and see God’s faithfulness, his faithfulness to his people. We’ll see in our song today, that indeed, God has fulfilled his oath, the oath that he swore that he made to David, you know, the people in the Old Covenant, they would sing the song singing for the king. We here today we sing the song in praise. That God has has sent his king, the greater King. Of course, this is Jesus Christ. So notice first as we look at the Psalm that it speaks of both God’s oath and David’s oath, God’s oath and David’s oath. Look at verse one. Just remember, oh yeah, way. Remember, oh, Lord, in David’s favor all the hardships that he endured, right, you see that opening word there? Where did opens with this as an imperative, it says, Remember, and this is a significant word, it’s a it’s a. It has meaning beyond what we would think on the surface level, right? Whenever we read this, remember, Lord in the Psalms, or in the Old Testament, in general, it doesn’t mean that we’re asking God not to forget some piece of data, right? We’re or that we’re asking him to recall certain information. What it means remember, oh Lord, it’s an appeal to it’s a call for God to act according to his covenantal promises those things which he has already promised. And the people of God add appeal to God remember what you swore. Right and so when you read your Bible, notice how this is used to think of in Exodus, and Exodus as it begins. Believe in the second chapter, it talks about it says that God remembered what remember he looked upon, he heard the condition of his people, the treatment of his people. And he remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he remember his promise you remember the covenant that he made? This is remember, oh, Lord, it’s a request for God’s remain faithful to His covenant. And even though God promises to do something, and that he is all powerful, It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t ask him to do that very thing that he’s promised. Right often together as a church and even privately we pray in the Lord’s Prayer like Kingdom calm. He’s promised that his kingdom will come. And still we pray that he would bring that promise to pass. We grow in our knowledge of his promise, we trust Him, and we pray that he will bring about that which He has promised to do. And we trust that he will do so. And so see the oath that he made to the Lord, as we move on. The oath that he made is remember Oh lord of David’s favorite, all the hardships that he endured. He swore to the Lord and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob. I will not enter my house or get into my bed. I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids until I find a place for the Lord and dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob. Right so this is no small thing what David is doing, it is no All thing taking an oath to the Lord, right and notice the words there that he uses these. These words he says he swore he vowed that’s describing something. It’s describing an oath that David took. And what’s the reference to? Well, it’s a reference regarding dwelling place of the Lord. Right It’s about the dwelling place of the Lord. We read about this in Second Samuel. Second Samuel chapter six, David does this he goes after the Ark of the Covenant, remember, and we see this in referenced in our Psalm and verses six to eight. Right, notice the pronoun it’s behold we heard of it in a Franca, right? We heard of it, we found it in the fields of jar. Let us go to his dwelling place. Let us worship at his footstool. arisal, Lord, and go to your resting place, you and the ark of your mind. Right. But those vows though those words vows in swore those are oath words, those are covenant words. And we’ve all seen those take place in our own lives, or in film, if not in real life, this idea of people taking oath somewhere for some reason. We think of the two parties, right? The promise user and the one being promised and they are brought together into a covenant relationship. Again, we see this in perhaps the most common arena is in the courtroom, right when people take owes before that begins or when the persons who go into military service, they take an oath of enlistment or political office, right. They take oaths, almost imminently and significant for my family right now. Is the marriage ceremony, the marriage ceremony. If you’ve not been in one, you’ve probably been to one. Surely you’ve seen one right there. As the bride and the groom, they make owes to each other before God. In many witnesses, right and at the end of this, they are now in a real relationship. It’s not a pretend relationship. It’s not without commitments. There’s commitment and obligation and becomes a covenant relationship and vows are made. And the promises are given this undying loyalty to one another in the presence of God and many witnesses. And of course, in marriage, we call upon God to Psalm eyes that ceremony that covenant rather. So no, there’s no small thing is there it’s a big deal. The other part of the oath are the consequences. Right, the ramifications, stipulations, if you will, the sanctions. If those are broken, there are ramifications for breaking that oath consequences. Right. In ancient times people would say, may I be cursed if I fail to keep My promise if I fail to keep my oath, maybe cursed. We see this. Perhaps most memorably in Genesis 15 in scriptures remember, they would cut animals into a symbols of what would happen to you if you fail to keep that promise in quite astoundingly, in that instance, in Genesis 15 in the Abrahamic Covenant, God is the one swearing that he’ll be cutting pieces if he fails to keep his promise, and God takes the oath on oath on himself. And of course, he never does nor can fail to keep those promises. But David made this cough, some covenant before the Lord He made his oath before God, and we know that he wants it to build the temple. For God, he wanted to build a house of the Lord. We know that he did bring the ark to the City of God. He did bring it but Psalm 132 here recalls This oath that David swore to the Lord, and He vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob. That’s another title for God Himself. You see the parallel and that phrase, swore to the Lord vow to the Mighty One of Israel might be one of Jacob. And they’re saying what they’re saying, remember, David who brought the Ark of the Covenant, verse eight, arisal. Lord, in go to your resting place, you and the ark of your minds, let your priests be clothed with righteousness and let your saints shout for joy. For the sake of Your servant, David, do not turn away the face of your anointed. That’s the king. And so this caravan goes up, it’s going up up to Jerusalem, and it seems prayers for the king. Remember righteous David and his faithfulness. He was the king after God’s own heart, remember? And we will read it’s interesting when we read about other kings in the Old Testament. When they are compared to King David, which they often are, they usually get a bad report. Right we’ve This is a refrain we hear, so and so didn’t walk in the footsteps of their father. They did someone so did evil before the eyes of their Lord. People who got her singing, we need peace. We need peace, oh Lord. Remember for the for his sake, oh Lord, calling your priest. You’re saying shout for joy. And then there’s that turn in the song. This is the term from verse 11 onward. The focus moves from David’s faithfulness to what the Lord has done the faithfulness of the Lord for His people. Look at verse 11. Verse 11, the Lord swore to David a chareau from which he will not turn back. Right What’s this about? These sorts of David assure oath which you will not you’re like what is the share of Well, we keep reading and we have the help of quotation marks there. In the rest of the verse. It says, one of your sons, one of the sons of your body I will set on your throne. If your sons keep my commandment in my testimonies, then I shall teach them their sons also forever, shall sit on your throne, right? So you see what’s going on. There is a reference to that. What he swore that she wrote, and then it tells us what it was, right? That’s a covenant. It’s an unconditional covenant. It’s a definitive covenant. We see this in Second Samuel seven. That’s why we read it for Old Testament reading. David wants to build wants to build a house for the Lord. And the Lord says, Wait a minute. In verse five, will you build me a house to dwell in? Right God says no today but he goes on that says the Lord of hosts, I took you from the pasture and falling sheep that you should be Prince over my peoples Israel. I have been with you Wherever you went and cut off all enemies before you, and I will make for you a great name. And I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and I will plant them, so that they may dwell in their own place and be disturbed no more. Right? And then he says this, this is significant, and I will give you rest from your enemies, David. Moreover, the Lord declares to you that the Lord will make you a house right? No, David, you’re not going to make me house, I will make you a house. I will raise up your offspring after you who should come from your body and I will establish His Kingdom he shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be to Him a father. He shall be to me a son. When he commits iniquity, I will discipline him with the rod of men, but the stripes have the Son of Man, but my steadfast love will not depart from him. As I took it from Salt and I put it away from before you in your house in your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne throne shall be established forever. That’s the covenant God makes the definitive covenant. Seal glorious that is so glorious that is, these aren’t the words of fickle man, a feeble man, a forgetful man, a foolish man, the words of powerful Lord Yahweh, the covenant God, the Creator of the universe. He’s promising to do all of these things depends on and establishing them. It’s founded upon him. Notice the warning there too in the middle of all this, I don’t know if you caught that. There’s a warning it says that the king fails to keep covenant. If he is unfaithful, then the kingdom will not last. And what happened? What happened to the kingdom The Pilgrims long after Solomon. Long after his time they knew that other kings came along. And again what were those kings like? They didn’t fare very well. Surely the golden age of the Solomonic Kingdom of Israel’s King was the Solomonic age. And it was a brilliant picture of God remembering, fulfilling his promise. Remember what that promise was, it was the Abrahamic promise. Right? God’s remembering that the promise of innumerable people of lands and riches a blessing. Vast people’s nation seed, vast place, in vast pagans, right. All kinds of people, outsiders coming in. And that seemed as though that was the culmination of God’s promise. of his promises. But Solomon you know what happened to Solomon? He turned from the Lord. After a time he failed to be faithful. He did not keep my covenant in my testimonies and then teach them So what happened? The kingdom was divided as I mentioned, in an unfaithful King followed unfaithful King fallen more on faithful kings, even on exile. In our pilgrims were singing those songs even during the wickedness and the breaking down of Israel imagine all this going are going on in the background of the minds as they went in the mixture of feelings of praise, concern and worry and all the rest. Let me see oh o law remember, for King David sake, he was your chosen king. Remember your oath and have mercy on us. And as they pray notice the remainder of the song. It responds to questions raised earlier to issues raised earlier. There’s this kind of columns and typical call and response. back to earlier parts in the song right, notice the connectivity. Notice the connection. Here again, verse seven, let us go to his dwelling place, let us worship at his footstool. And then verse 13, for the Lord has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling place. Verse eight arise, oh Lord, and go to your resting place you in the ark of your mind, and this is answered by this is my resting place forever. Here I will dwell for if desired is. Verse nine, let the priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your saints shot for joy. And verses 15 and 16 her priests, I will close With salvation, and her saints will shout for joy. firsthand for the sake of your sermon, David Do not turn away the face of your anointed one. And then verse 17 answers that. There I will make a horn sprout from David. I have prepared a lamp for my anointed his enemies I will close with shame, but on him, his crown will shine. Beautiful verse, beautiful combination of this song and they prayed and they lifted voice. They lifted their hearts to the Lord. And they are truly looking past and beyond the present King. Because as we mentioned, the present King wasn’t all that much. They looked and they longed for a greater King, a king that would be great Indeed, the Messiah himself Didn’t need to look for the one who would come and bring ultimately the blessing. Will brothers and sisters, when was all of this right we see the different horizons, we see the different trajectories we see the different layers of this. When were these words accomplished and fulfilled. People have gone on journey saying these words, looking for their fulfillment in their lives, they do not see that ultimate fulfillment. Even the Golden Age, the Solomonic kingdom, and all that happened all the people, all the animals, all the sacrifices, all the riches didn’t last. That wasn’t the ultimate thing. Yet it also pictured pointed to what that thing would be. Because Dear Christian, so 32 finds its ultimate fulfillment, and then other than the Lord Jesus Christ. And this should be our instinct. As we read Scripture. We should see these connections right here how it goes. Jesus is the descendant of David. He is the son who sits on the throne forever. He has a son who does not fail. He has a son who is not disobedient. He is the sprout of David. He is the one who will who’s close to us with righteousness and salvation. He is the one who caused causes the saints to shout for joy. Joy. He is the perfect and complete fulfillment of this pilgrims prayer. Our Father, brothers and sisters, has remembered his covenant promises is remembered. God rejected many kings of Israel. But he did not reject his anointed one. And we praise our great gracious father. What were his words to that King? What were his words to his son upon entering into our world? Do you remember what he said? This is my beloved Son. In Him, I am well pleased for you, his people, for you to know for it to be true of you. All that this arm describes closer than his righteousness, joy, shouting saints secure with the Father. For any of this to be in necessitated, what it necessitated was required that the very one who had perfect love with the Father, the one who please the Father, it requires He be forsaken and rejected by the Father. And in taking the full cup of the father’s wrath for our sins being punched in our place, our sins laid upon him, and then being raised from death to life, and on the third day ascended into glory. In all of that, because of that kings word. We have bold access to the Father, unfettered, unrestricted, uninhibited, fearless. Listen to Hebrews 10. starting at verse 19. describes this glorious reality this, this this is wonderful and awesome reality for the people of God. Hebrews 1019 says, Therefore, brother since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus By the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain that is through his flesh. And this is we have a great high priest over the house of God. Let us draw near with the true heart and full assurance of faith with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Is that the kind of cleansing that you need? Is that the kind of washing that’s required of you? Oh, it is for me brothers and sisters. I trust that is for you as well. And so we come. We come in communion and in fellowship and in boldness and worship and praise and delights. Is it overwhelming? The glory it’s beyond comprehension. It’s awesome. The dwelling place of God is with man, not the Ark of the Covenant. That was a copy of the heavenly realities, where Christ administers on our behalf where Christ intercedes where he mediates for us, our great high priest. The dwelling place is not the earthly Temple of physical building or course. It is the temple in heaven, Glory itself. He became flesh, Christ, Christ fulfilled at all it was all picturing a picture of Christ, he became flesh and he remember tabernacle with us, made his dwelling with us. God, He is God with us. Emmanuel, remember? And then what are the rest for his people buy the rest for his people. The peace The rest of shalom. Jesus gives rest and peace for his people. not of the world peace or of the world arrest, he gives true ultimate final rest. Rest so powerful that enables us to rejoice even here in all of our messes and losses and pains. Your Christian let us give praise. Let us give praise brothers and sisters, do these things not warm your heart. Oh they should delight your soul live in your soul. Let us give praise let us get proud shouts of joy. shouts for joy is visited and has saved his people eternal life is yours. And let us remember as well, that he has conquered all of his and our enemies. He must Train. Let us delight in your praise even as we tomorrow as we return back into our pilgrim lamb back from spiritual Mount Zion, let us take that place this place with us, let us live it to others. Let us Let the truth of it move our lives before our neighbor. All the promises and all the types and all the pointers have come in Christ. He is the chosen greater King, and we will forever dwell with him in that Eternal City. in that city, remember, there will be no temple there will be no sun. For our king, Jesus will be the temple. In Christ, the land will be the light. So man, you always your friend, remember and rejoice. Our God is faithful. He remembers he always keeps his promises. One day, one day, dear Christian, that final Trump trumpet will sound and he will raise you from the dead as well even unto eternal life. Oh man, let’s pray together. Heavenly Father, we give you praise, Your Worship. You’re awed by the magnitude of your love. Or it is more than we can take at times the Lord we pray, fill us up, fill us up, fill up our cup again and again and again. change us Lord, and we trust that you will do so. Or we praise you would help us to remember to believe what we have heard. Or to pray that you would help us to indeed be overwhelmed with the reality of our union with Jesus or king or help that to drive our lives Isaac Gratitude while we do pray that you would help us to be faithful in all things, yes, all this in Christ’s name, amen. Older hairs will call him now for our foundational prayer. Our prayer. Father, so grateful for this opportunity to come together as your people to worship you.