In Excelsis Deo

Take your New Testament now and turn, if you would, to the text for our sermon today, which will be from Luke chapter 2, starting at verse 8. Luke chapter 2, starting at verse 8. Once again, please, your attention, because this is the Word of God. And in the same region, there were shepherds…

Thanksgiving Enjoyment

We do welcome to the pulpit this morning, Reverend Steve Gonzalez. He’s a member of the Great Lakes Presbytery, our presbytery, and the PCA. He serves as pulpit supply in the OPC and the PCA. He was a full-time pulpit supply at an OPC church for a year and a half recently. He’s the manager…

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Better Marred Than Charred

Take your scriptures once more and turn for our New Testament reading to our sermon text, Mark chapter 9. We’ll be finishing Mark chapter 9 this morning, starting verse 42. Yes, Mark chapter 9, starting verse 42. Please, once again, give your full attention. This is the Word of God. Whoever causes one of these…

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Exaltation of Weakness

Take your text now and turn to Mark chapter nine. This will be the text for our sermon this morning, Mark chapter nine, as we continue in the gospel of Mark. We’ll be beginning at verse 38. Mark 9, 38. Once again, please give your full attention. This is the word of God. John said…

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Who Is the Greatest?

Copy the scriptures, and turn, if you would, to the sermon text this morning, Mark chapter 9. We’re continuing in Mark this morning, chapter 9. And let’s ask the Lord’s blessing once more before we hear the word preached and read. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we do praise you once more for this, your word.…

Rejoice in Glory

Psalm 45, please give your full attention now. This is once more the word of God. The choir master according to the lilies, I’m a skill of the sons of Korah, a love song. My heart overflows with the pleasing theme. I address my verses to the king. My tongue is like the pen of…

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The Transfiguration

And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them. And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, and they were talking…

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The Cross Before the Crown

In our fallen nature, we want the crucified saviour without the cruciform life. But in our union with Christ, God has ordained that our path will be the path of his beloved son. If we are his and he is ours, our lives will pattern his life: and that pattern is suffering and then glory, the cross before the crown.