Let’s turn now for our New Testament reading comes to us from Romans Romans chapter 1 starting verse 18 Romans 1 18 Look to the Romans by the Apostle Paul Romans 1 starting verse 18, please give again your full attention. This is the word of our God. I For the wrath of God is…
If you would turn in your Bibles now to Psalm 2. Psalm 2, and I’ll be reading the whole thing. This, of course, is in relation to, or because, we have been going through Daniel, Daniel 2 and Daniel 7, and really Daniel, the whole of it, is focused on this very thing, the Son…
This next song was likely intended as a reflection on the journey to Jerusalem, being with God’s people there in the temple, being washed and cleansed of sin, celebrating the work that God is doing, and finally returning home and back to normal. It is a beautiful picture of what it is like for believers in this age to go to church together, worship the Lord, and be rejuvenated by the presence of God and his people.