Our Old Testament reading this morning comes from the book of Revelation, chapter 5. Revelation, chapter 5. We’re reading verses, the first 10 verses from that chapter, Revelation 5. Revelation 5, verses 1 to 10. Once more, please give your attention to God’s holy and inspired word. Then I saw in the right hand of…
For Old Testament reading, let’s turn to John chapter 1. John 1, reading the first 18 verses. Those of you that are savvy enough, these are the same selections that we read last week and sang last week, because they’re fitting for what we’re doing this morning. John chapter 1, verses 1 to 18. Once…
You take your copy of the scriptures in hand there and turn to 1 John. 1 John, we continue with the introduction to 1 John, the first epistle of the apostle John this morning. I’ll give me reading verses one to four. We’ll get into the book proper expositionally next week. John one, one to…