Sermons by Rev. Tony Garbarino (Page 12)

Visit of the Wise Men

Keep your copy of scriptures there in hand, and turn to the Gospel of Matthew. I’m gonna take a short detour from James, this wonderful wisdom book in the New Testament. We’ll pick up in chapter four after a couple of weeks. We’re gonna spend a couple times in Matthew chapter two, a couple of…

Wisdom From Above

Take your copy of the scriptures again in hand and turn to the book of James. Continuing the epistle of James this morning. James chapter three, we’ll be reading verses 13 to 18, the remainder of that chapter, but let’s ask the Lord’s blessing before we do so on the reading, preaching, and hearing of…

Taming the Tongue

Turn now for our New Testament reading, which will be the text for the sermon, James chapter 3. We continue through the epistle of James, James chapter 3. I’ll read in the first section there, verses 1 to 12. James 3, 1 to 12. Again, please give your full attention, this is the word of…

Faith Without Works is Dead

Heavenly Father, we come again before you and as we delight again to be in your presence and to raise to you our worship, our songs of praise, we pray that you’re in your goodness that you would press down now upon us in our lives with the weight of your word that humbles our…

Hearing and Doing the Word

James has told us again and again, he will tell us, he’s already told us thus far, that God is sovereign, right? He is sovereign and he grows us through the means of his choosing. The historical context of this letter, I’ll remind you again, some specific points, this is most likely the first most…

Testing of Your Faith

Heavenly Father, we come again before you and acknowledge from our hearts what a privilege we have in being in your presence and sensing once more your smile upon us in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We ask, Lord, that you would come to us now as we continue to worship you, not…

Living Through Trials

The Epistle of James tells us about the character that we are to possess, about the Christ we are to praise, the continuity we are to perceive, and about the conditions we are to presume. James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. To the 12 tribes in the dispersion, greetings. Count…

Ruth 4

Our New Testament reading this morning comes from Matthew, Matthew chapter six, Matthew chapter six, reading verses 24 to 34. Matthew six, starting verse 24. Again, please give your full attention to the word of the Lord. No one can serve two masters. really either he will take the one in love the other or…

Rejoice in Confidence

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have also obtained access by faith into his grace, in which we stand and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing…