If you want some more, take your copy of the scriptures and turn to the New Testament. Mark chapter nine. Mark chapter nine. I’ll bring you verses 30 to 37. Please give your full attention, this is the word of God. And they came to Capernaum, and when he was in the house, he asked…
Please join your hearts and mind now in prayer as we ask the Lord’s blessing upon the reading of the sermon text and the sermon to follow and your reception of that word preached to you. Let’s pray once more. Our great God and heavenly Father, we praise you again that you indeed have not…
Heavenly Father, we once more thank you again that you have given us this written word that you have preserved and inscripturated down through time. Lord, we pray that you would illumine our minds and our hearts as we hear it expounded, Lord, as we hear your voice speaking through it. Lord, we pray that…
Who should receive the sign of baptism? What can we learn from Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians about the relationship between Noah’s flood, the Exodus, and the New Testament sign and seal of baptism?
The Pharisees come to Jesus and ask, “Why is it your disciples are allowed to do that which is impermissible on the Sabbath?” You’d think Jesus would cite a text about the Sabbath and say, “Here’s why: it’s not really breaking the law of God. The law, in Deuteronomy actually gives us permission to glean. You guys are missing the point.” But Christ doesn’t do that. Instead, he goes to this seemingly random, interesting, odd text, about David on the run from Saul eating the bread of the Tabernacle. You have to ask yourself why he chose this particular text as a defense for his actions. In essence, his argument is this: “Long ago, David did this thing, in a particular circumstance. And this circumstance should remind you of what’s going on now.”
Next, Christ says they can do so, because he is the one who can authorize such a thing as Lord of the Sabbath. This pushes the offense over the top, into a whole other category for the Pharisees.
Lastly, Christ goes on to show the true intention of the day. How grateful can we be that Christ gives us not the explanation we would expect, but the revelation we need.
Join me in prayer as we ask the Lord’s blessing upon the preaching and reception of that word, let’s pray. Our great heavenly Father, we thank you that you have come to us in the power of your Holy Spirit and enabled us to praise you and give ourselves to you. We pray now as…
Discover the beauty and power of true worship as we explore what it means to truly honor and glorify God in our hearts and actions. Join us as we unpack the question of what is acceptable worship and find inspiration to deepen our connection with the Lord.