Sermons from May 2024

Coming of the King FB

The Manner of the Kingdom

The word of God is always effective: it accomplishes what it intends. To the faithful, it reveals the kingdom of God. To the faithless, it further obscures the kingdom. Listen carefully to Pastor Tony as he helps illuminate what mysteries this parable holds for us today regarding the manner of the kingdom.

Servant Songs of Isaiah

God’s Servant Equipped and Victorious

Jesus as the servant of God is described in Isaiah 42 as being upheld, and loved by the Father, and as having the Spirit poured out upon him to empower him for his work. Jesus was the better ensurer of victory than Moses, a more acceptable sacrifice than the types and shadows of the law, and equipped with the Spirit to proclaim God’s will. Thus equipped, the servant does actually accomplish all the Father gives him to do in patience and with gentleness.