What is most needful in life? If someone were to ask you that, how would you answer? In this passage, we see a man lying before Jesus paralyzed, and Jesus’ comment takes everyone by surprise: “Your sins are forgiven you.” It seems insensitive that this man is dealing with obvious physical need, and yet, Christ is bringing up the forgiveness of sins instead. By placing this in the text, Christ–through Mark– is making us reckon with some big questions. Not only does this cause cognitive dissonance, it makes a bold statement about who Christ is and the coming of the Kingdom. Christ is trying to show us something. The question is: “Will you see it?”
Join us as we learn about the conflict that results from King Jesus coming into the kingdom of the world.
Do you have trouble believing that you have value, as a fallen person in this fallen world? Do you even have trouble believing that God could ever continue to love someone like you, who fails over and over again. Believe me, God has dealt with all your sins and failures. His accomplished work is proof of what he has said: “It is finished.”
How can we understand this most contested and controversial clause from the Apostles Creed? What is the importance of the real, full and powerful death of the Lord Jesus Christ?
“He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried…”
And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. And when the time came for their purification, according to the law of Moses, They brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord as…
Take your copy of the scriptures now and turn to the gospel of Luke, Luke’s gospel. I’ll be reading from chapter one this morning, starting at verse 46. But before we hear the word preached, let’s ask the Lord’s blessing upon him, let’s pray. Our dear heavenly father, we thank you again for this your…
Take your copy of the scriptures and turn to Gospel of Mark. We return in our series through Mark this morning. Gospel of Mark. Mark 1, and I’ll be reading, I’m gonna start at verse 9 and read till verse 20. Mark 1, starting at verse 9. Let’s ask the Lord’s blessing before we hear…
Let’s ask the Lord’s blessing upon the sermon and the hearing and reception of his word this morning. Join me in a prayer to do just that. Let’s pray. Gracious Heavenly Father, we come to you again to sit at your feet, to hear your word proclaimed. We pray, Lord, that we would indeed hear…
Join me in prayer as we ask the Lord’s blessing upon the preaching and reception of that word, let’s pray. Our great heavenly Father, we thank you that you have come to us in the power of your Holy Spirit and enabled us to praise you and give ourselves to you. We pray now as…