Sermons by Rev. Tony Garbarino (Page 9)

1 John 1:1-4

For Old Testament reading, let’s turn to John chapter 1. John 1, reading the first 18 verses. Those of you that are savvy enough, these are the same selections that we read last week and sang last week, because they’re fitting for what we’re doing this morning. John chapter 1, verses 1 to 18. Once…

The Word of Life Come in the Flesh

You take your copy of the scriptures in hand there and turn to 1 John. 1 John, we continue with the introduction to 1 John, the first epistle of the apostle John this morning. I’ll give me reading verses one to four. We’ll get into the book proper expositionally next week. John one, one to…

The Law of the Lord Is Perfect

Let’s turn now for our New Testament reading comes to us from Romans Romans chapter 1 starting verse 18 Romans 1 18 Look to the Romans by the Apostle Paul Romans 1 starting verse 18, please give again your full attention. This is the word of our God. I For the wrath of God is…

Daniel’s Terrifying Vision of a Man

New Testament reading comes this morning from Revelation chapter one. Revelation one, starting at verse nine. Revelation one, nine, and I’ll be reading to the end of that chapter. Yeah, Revelation one, starting at verse nine. Once again, please get attention to this is the word of our God. I, John, your brother and partner…

Daniel 9:24-27

Daniel 9, starting with verse 24, verse 24 to 27. Please now give full attention. This is the word of God. Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and…

The Seventy Weeks

Well, many, many people have attempted to shoehorn very much theology and very many years into our passage today and from Daniel chapter nine. It’s theology and time that does not fit. This prophecy of 70 weeks, really weeks, the word is seven, 77s, is one of the most intriguing passages, one of the most…

Gabriel Brings an Answer

While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people, Israel, and presenting my plea before the Lord, my God, for the holy hill of my God, while I was speaking in prayer, the man, Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at first, came to me in swift…

Daniel’s Model Prayer Life

Well, I wonder if you have ever lamented the state of your prayer life, if you’ve ever lamented and sorrowed over your prayer, your praying or your lack of praying. If you had times of dryness and distance in your praying, indeed all of us have, I’m sure you would answer in the affirmative. Our…

Psalm 2:1-12

If you would turn in your Bibles now to Psalm 2. Psalm 2, and I’ll be reading the whole thing. This, of course, is in relation to, or because, we have been going through Daniel, Daniel 2 and Daniel 7, and really Daniel, the whole of it, is focused on this very thing, the Son…