As we think about Christ’s church, what should we expect for her trouble and state? Should we expect her to diminish as the wicked world around us prospers? The answer is in the meaning of mystery: what was once hidden is meant to be revealed. We can look back to the promise to Abraham to receive the nations as his heritage and here we are in 2024, in Fort Wayne, IN, and we gentiles have our lives hidden in Christ. God is sovereign and we can trust his promise.
What is most needful in life? If someone were to ask you that, how would you answer? In this passage, we see a man lying before Jesus paralyzed, and Jesus’ comment takes everyone by surprise: “Your sins are forgiven you.” It seems insensitive that this man is dealing with obvious physical need, and yet, Christ is bringing up the forgiveness of sins instead. By placing this in the text, Christ–through Mark– is making us reckon with some big questions. Not only does this cause cognitive dissonance, it makes a bold statement about who Christ is and the coming of the Kingdom. Christ is trying to show us something. The question is: “Will you see it?”