Sermons on Christian Living

Thanksgiving Enjoyment

We do welcome to the pulpit this morning, Reverend Steve Gonzalez. He’s a member of the Great Lakes Presbytery, our presbytery, and the PCA. He serves as pulpit supply in the OPC and the PCA. He was a full-time pulpit supply at an OPC church for a year and a half recently. He’s the manager…

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The Cross Before the Crown

In our fallen nature, we want the crucified saviour without the cruciform life. But in our union with Christ, God has ordained that our path will be the path of his beloved son. If we are his and he is ours, our lives will pattern his life: and that pattern is suffering and then glory, the cross before the crown.

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An Allegory of Love and Compassion

Mark chapter six, starting at verse 30. Mark six. Verse 30, before we, if you’re reading about the Word and it’s preaching and it’s accepting, that’s the word of blessing on those hands. God, let’s pray together. Heavenly Father, we come again before you. We just wanted to hear from you. We praise you that…

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The Sea Summoned to Obedience

For the ancient Hebrew, if you were to ask them about the sea, they would say that it was a place of great chaos, dread-waters, and danger. In this section of Mark, the disciples find themselves in the middle of all that water represents in the Old Testament. Christ takes on this source of evil and rebukes it. In confronting the sea, Christ is really confronting the enemies of God and his people. He says to that great enemy of our souls, “Be still, and be silent!”

Servant Songs of Isaiah

God’s Servant Equipped and Victorious

Jesus as the servant of God is described in Isaiah 42 as being upheld, and loved by the Father, and as having the Spirit poured out upon him to empower him for his work. Jesus was the better ensurer of victory than Moses, a more acceptable sacrifice than the types and shadows of the law, and equipped with the Spirit to proclaim God’s will. Thus equipped, the servant does actually accomplish all the Father gives him to do in patience and with gentleness.