Sermons on Church Life

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The Church’s Mystery: Hidden, Now Revealed

As we think about Christ’s church, what should we expect for her trouble and state? Should we expect her to diminish as the wicked world around us prospers? The answer is in the meaning of mystery: what was once hidden is meant to be revealed. We can look back to the promise to Abraham to receive the nations as his heritage and here we are in 2024, in Fort Wayne, IN, and we gentiles have our lives hidden in Christ. God is sovereign and we can trust his promise.

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Restoration: The True Nature of the Sabbath

The Pharisees come to Jesus and ask, “Why is it your disciples are allowed to do that which is impermissible on the Sabbath?” You’d think Jesus would cite a text about the Sabbath and say, “Here’s why: it’s not really breaking the law of God. The law, in Deuteronomy actually gives us permission to glean. You guys are missing the point.” But Christ doesn’t do that. Instead, he goes to this seemingly random, interesting, odd text, about David on the run from Saul eating the bread of the Tabernacle. You have to ask yourself why he chose this particular text as a defense for his actions. In essence, his argument is this: “Long ago, David did this thing, in a particular circumstance. And this circumstance should remind you of what’s going on now.”

Next, Christ says they can do so, because he is the one who can authorize such a thing as Lord of the Sabbath. This pushes the offense over the top, into a whole other category for the Pharisees.

Lastly, Christ goes on to show the true intention of the day. How grateful can we be that Christ gives us not the explanation we would expect, but the revelation we need.

thumbnail graphic for sermon series "the pilgrim's survival guide: messages from Psalm 122 to 134"

Sweet Communion in Christ

This next song was likely intended as a reflection on the journey to Jerusalem, being with God’s people there in the temple, being washed and cleansed of sin, celebrating the work that God is doing, and finally returning home and back to normal. It is a beautiful picture of what it is like for believers in this age to go to church together, worship the Lord, and be rejuvenated by the presence of God and his people.