
Burgess, John 17. Title Page

Anthony Burgess on John 17

Although the whole matter delivered thus by this Evangelist be so admirable and excellent, yet this seventeenth chapter hath some appropriated reasons for a more peculiar attention and affection towards it. Hence it hath always had a peculiar presidency in the hearts of believers, so that the opening of this precious box of ointment must needs send forth a refreshing fragrant smell to those that are spiritual. This prayer of Christ may be compared to a land flowing with milk and honey, in respect of that treasure of consolation which is contained therein.


Philip Schaff on John 13

The expression ‘disciples of mine’ is worthy of notice. It seems to show that the meaning is not exhausted by the thought of that language so often quoted in connection with it, ‘Behold how these Christians love one another.’ It directs our thoughts, not to the disciples only, but to Jesus Himself. He was love: in the love of the Christian community, the love of its members ‘with’ one another, it was to be seen not merely what they were, but what He was, and more particularly that He was love.

Searching the Old Testament

John Owen on the Glory of Christ

It is said of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, “beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he declared unto his disciples in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself,” Luke 24: 27. It is therefore manifest that Moses, and the Prophets, and all the Scriptures, do give testimony unto him and his glory. This is the line of life and light which runs through the whole Old Testament; without the conduct whereof we can understand nothing aright therein: and the neglect hereof is that which makes many as blind in reading the books of it as are the Jews, – the veil being upon their minds. It is faith alone, discovering the glory of Christ, that can remove that veil of darkness which covers the minds of men in reading the Old Testament, as the apostle declares, 2 Cor. 3: 14-16. I shall, therefore, consider briefly some of those ways and means whereby the glory of Christ was represented unto believers under the Old Testament.

Greeks seek Jesus

Inquiring After Jesus (Horatius Bonar)

We have Greeks, too, in our day; men whose souls God has touched, and across whose eyes He has flashed some rays of the glory of his Incarnate Son. Are there any Greeks among us? Rest not; keep not aloof; come near; learn of Him; look to Him and be saved… Talk of kind, winning, accessible, large-hearted men! Was there ever one like Him? He did not hide Himself; He did not turn from his fellow men, as if shrinking from their intercourse or disliking to be troubled. He made everybody feel at home with Him. He laid Himself out for meeting them, and being visited by them. He received sinners, and made them feel that He had come to save them.

Christian Witness

Devotion Threatened – Richard Phillips

This account of Jesus’ anointing provides a model of devotion and answers a challenge against devotion to him. If we continue in the noble line of Mary and Lazarus, we can be certain that others will see the truth of Jesus in our lives, and what was said of Lazarus will be said of us, too: “On account of him many … were … believing in Jesus” (John 12:11).

The Sanhedrin deliberates.

John Lightfoot on John 11

When therefore they saw Jesus working miracles so very stupendous, and so worthy the character of the Messiah, and that in the very time wherein the manifestation of the Messiah had been foretold, they could not but have a strong suspicion that this was He. But then it is a wonderful thing that they should endeavour his death and destruction.

Image of empty tomb

Warflield on the Raising of Lazarus

His soul is held by rage: and he advances to the tomb, in Calvin’s words again, “as a champion who prepares for conflict.” The raising of Lazarus thus becomes, not an isolated marvel, but — as indeed it is presented throughout the whole narrative (compare especially, verses 24-26) — a decisive instance and open symbol of Jesus’ conquest of death and hell.