
The Goodness Of God

As Jesus was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, ‘Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ And Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.’ “ Mark 10:17–18, ESV Among the most memorable…

A Sober Warning

“Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?” Hebrews 2:1-4, ESV Good theology is…

Burgess, John 17. Title Page

Anthony Burgess on John 17

Although the whole matter delivered thus by this Evangelist be so admirable and excellent, yet this seventeenth chapter hath some appropriated reasons for a more peculiar attention and affection towards it. Hence it hath always had a peculiar presidency in the hearts of believers, so that the opening of this precious box of ointment must needs send forth a refreshing fragrant smell to those that are spiritual. This prayer of Christ may be compared to a land flowing with milk and honey, in respect of that treasure of consolation which is contained therein.

Job Lament's his trails

John Calvin on self-denial

Therefore, he alone has duly denied himself who has so totally resigned himself to the Lord that he permits every part of his life to be governed by God’s will. He who will be thus composed in mind, whatever happens, will not consider himself miserable nor complain of his lot with ill will toward God.


The Gospel in Genesis: Light

The speaker is God. The time is before time was. The word is omnipotence. The result is the grandest of gifts. Darkness heard and vanished. “God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” Reader, strive to imagine the scene, when this first voice called this first blessing into being. This world of full delights was then one huge mass of unarranged material. It had no form, and therefore it had no beauty. It was vacancy, and vacancy lacks all that pleases. It would have been cheerless, even if robed in cheering light. But impenetrable night shrouded the lifeless void.

Searching the Old Testament

John Owen on the Glory of Christ

It is said of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, “beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he declared unto his disciples in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself,” Luke 24: 27. It is therefore manifest that Moses, and the Prophets, and all the Scriptures, do give testimony unto him and his glory. This is the line of life and light which runs through the whole Old Testament; without the conduct whereof we can understand nothing aright therein: and the neglect hereof is that which makes many as blind in reading the books of it as are the Jews, – the veil being upon their minds. It is faith alone, discovering the glory of Christ, that can remove that veil of darkness which covers the minds of men in reading the Old Testament, as the apostle declares, 2 Cor. 3: 14-16. I shall, therefore, consider briefly some of those ways and means whereby the glory of Christ was represented unto believers under the Old Testament.

An Adumbration of the Trinity

Last month, we took a survey of the various views on how we should understand Genesis 1.26[1]Fesko, J.V. Last Things First: Unlocking Genesis 1-3 with the Chris of Eschatology. (Christian Focus Publications, 2007), pp. 40-45. Those views were (1) The heavenly court view; (2) The plural of majesty view; and (3) The Trinity view. Of…

Let Us Make Man in Our Image

In this issue we begin to look at Dr J.V. Fesko’s brief treatment of Genesis 1.26 found in his excellent book, Last Things First. There are two major questions packed into this little phrase: (1) why does God speak in the plural and (2) what does it mean to be in the image of God? Understanding the nature of God will assist in the definition of God’s image. In other words, Is God triune, and Does the image of God in man reflect God’s triunity?