Sermons on Salvation

Job's Happy Heavenly Ending

Job’s Happy Heavenly Ending

Job begins and ends after the pattern that Jesus speaks of, that the Old Testament anticipates him in his suffering and in his glory. We saw the sufferings anticipated in the first two chapters and throughout the book, and now comes the glory as the Lord restores the fortunes as Job returns out from under the curse.

Job: Causeless Cursebearer

Job: the Causeless Cursebearer

Job is not about you. Job is not about me. Job is about Jesus. So when we come to this book we need to say, “Show me Jesus.” It is about Jesus and his righteousness, Jesus and his curse-bearing, Jesus and his defeat of the devil, Jesus and his acquisition of glory. That’s what Job is all about.

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A Dining Place for Sinners

We’re confronted, as we open this passage, with questions–questions about the Kingdom. Who gets into the Kingdom? What are the qualifications for getting into this Kingdom?

Are we willing to be self-reflective enough to realize that, at the end of the day, we have nothing to offer God of our own righteousness?

Only then do you have any chance of joining the Kingdom of God.

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What is Most Needful?

What is most needful in life? If someone were to ask you that, how would you answer? In this passage, we see a man lying before Jesus paralyzed, and Jesus’ comment takes everyone by surprise: “Your sins are forgiven you.” It seems insensitive that this man is dealing with obvious physical need, and yet, Christ is bringing up the forgiveness of sins instead. By placing this in the text, Christ–through Mark– is making us reckon with some big questions. Not only does this cause cognitive dissonance, it makes a bold statement about who Christ is and the coming of the Kingdom. Christ is trying to show us something. The question is: “Will you see it?”

God Brings Us Home

In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing: “Thus says Cyrus king of…